
“How do we purge ourselves of amnesia?” ~ Jason Silva

Curious? Do I have your attention?

The above words are in the subject lines in my daily inbox and the picture is today’s number. It might be low or it might be high by your standards but it’s a lot to me. I notice at times I see the subject and feel a tightness in my solar plexus. Being in contact with those sensations helps me to perceive and connect with my body and affords me the opportunity to slow down and decide what I want to do. By taking the time to do this I am choosing how I consciously want to proceed. You see I FEEL my way through life. I can go into the deepest parts of myself through connecting to and honoring my body sensations.

  • Sometimes just because I can ~ I immediately delete the email and feel a sense of satisfaction that their open rate didn’t include me (This is the frustrated part of my psyche)
  • Sometimes I open them because I want to see what I might be missing (This is the lack-filled part of my psyche)
  • Sometimes I unsubscribe but that is not my go to place. And I am curious about that (This is the fear of missing out part of my psyche)
  • Sometimes I just open them because I am interested in what is being offered (This is the adult part of my psyche that is choosing from a place of presence and interest)

Comment on what you do with all the emails you receive.

I am intrigued by how marketing works. I am interested to understand if those headlines really attract a lot of new clients or people ~ us the consumers. Does that advertising pull us in~ of course it does~ and then we pay the money to buy something that we think we need to attain something other than what we are? Because—-

~We are looking for answers to so many questions about our lives.

~We are wandering around (for the most part) in a sea of confusion and chaos

~We are searching and desiring connection to ourselves and others and haven’t been given the tools to know how to do this within ourselves first.

~We have not been taught or modeled how to Be.  We have been taught and encouraged to Do.

~We have learned and been directed to go outside of ourselves to find satisfaction, happiness, etc.

These programs/offers give us information and can be wonderful learning tools when we discern and decipher which ones we want to pursue and for what reasons. Some are very enticing and can trigger our limitations and beliefs about ourselves. And they can also be rewarding and transformational.

“All behavior is belief driven.” ~ Jim Kwik

My learning came to me in dreams, intuition and imagination. There was no internet only library books, encyclopedia and my internal world to rely on. I had unseen spiritual mentors that guided me and helped me to understand my internal workings. I was brought up Catholic and as much as I rebelled against that organized religion I loved their rituals and incense burning at their services. Oh and the choir, I loved singing in the Choir! But it was the incense that transported me into other realms during the masses and especially on holidays because they burned a lot of it. I travelled to far away places while the priest and altar boys were speaking in Latin. For that hour I was lost in a world of ritual and meditation. Even though, in my world,  it wasn’t called meditation in the 1950’s and ’60’s  I was meditating. And through that place and space I found my connection to what they referred to as god and understood it from my own perspective, I found my voice. I found my truth and knowing. I found my inner guidance system.

As I write this it seems so simple and maybe you are getting the impression that I understood my inner workings. But it is nothing like that. I spent many years hiding what I knew and trying to not let anyone know what I knew for fear of being called crazy. Well, some family, some friends and co-workers thought I was weird and a hippie anyway. So I just got deeper into my rebellious persona, which in retrospect was a really empowering thing for me to do at that time. That is what led me down the road of learning about self-awareness and always striving to be self-actualized. Staying focused, staying strong, staying centered and following and continuing to learn to trust my inner knowing, my inner voice, my internal guidance system.

Can you hear your internal voice?

Learning to listen, like anything else, requires your desire, time and focus. It also requires you to stop talking and be present to your surroundings, even when the surroundings are hundreds of emails trying to get your attention! 

  • How do you hear your inner voice?
  • How do you treat and respond to your inner voice?
  • When and if you hear it do you trust it?
  • What are some of the key components to trusting yourself?

So here we are in the 21st Century ~ It feels similar to how I felt as a kid in a candy store ~ Everything and anything is available to us. The only dilemma in all of this information is “It can seem like everything has been figured out for us and it’s with our buying/purchasing power that we can attain it.”

Sometimes it feels complicated because where are we in all of that?  We as the consumers?  When do we get to Stop and listen to ourselves and know that WE are the answers. WE are all the questions. We have it all inside of us if we  will take the time to LISTEN.

And when you register for those workshops and programs and retreats know you are doing it from a place of awareness and desire to learn and have fun. Because there is always something to learn.