
Maybe you can slow down and smell the proverbial roses? It is spring time in the United States.

I know this might feel hard and uncomfortable-

I know you want to keep busy so you can “feel alive and vibrant!”

Did you know that you can feel alive and vibrant without being so busy? We are all looking for a sense of WELL BEING — it is not a sense of WELL Doing! 

Sometimes I think we are like dogs chasing our tails in search of the idea of a life well lived.  Did you know that you are already living a well lived life. It is inside each of us waiting to be seen and acknowledged. Here’s the hard part: no one ever showed us how truly easy it is to touch and connect to our innate wellbeing. We just need to stop the Doing and allow the “Being” part to ease itself into existence. This is the challenge!  This culture has taught us that thriving means exhausting ourselves on doing.

Slow down — Catch up to yourself 

Smell those flowers that are starting to pop through the hardened soil and let yourself breathe in the luxurious aromas of your  life!