
Picture: Me ~ Halloween party costume 

I love the quote “Do You”

There is something about those two words that instill a feeling of empowerment inside of me.  It feels like I have permission to live my life the way I choose. The way I decide to script it. My life becomes an everyday improvisational experience. It feels playful and also quite freeing. It frees me up to embody an overall sense of being responsible only to myself. 

The way I see and feel into my life is the way I DO my life. This translates into ~ Choosing how I Live my life. 

Were you taught to Do You?  In my generation I was not allowed to have my individual expression. Declaring Me was not allowed in my household, school or job. As I’ve shared in previous blog posts, I was expelled from Catholic high school for trying to Do Me.  I was suspended from my job for days without pay for expressing the essence of Me. And expressing ME was nothing more than trying to communicate my voice in a “polite 1960s kind of way.”  Big lessons there! 

Those experiences instilled in me a sense of rebellion and an indignation towards authority. It taught me to go within and listen to an internal voice even when the people “in charge” were telling me the ME  that I was being was not OK and that fundamentally my way of existing was not acceptable or correct. 

I learned to trust something deep inside of me and over time honed my ability to trust the feeling sense which is my intuitive knowing and I miraculously discovered there was nothing wrong with me.

I cultivated a way of being present for myself in every moment and in every way possible.

I am my own life line to all of my feelings, desires and decisions.

Take a moment to check in. Breath and relax and then ask yourself the following questions ~

  • Were you taught or was there an implied action that being YOU was not OK? 
  • Do you still have some people in your life that critique or judge you for the way you are? 
  • Do you accept yourself for the way you choose to show up in your life?
  • Can you name and recognize the people in your life that honor and love you just the way you are?  

I think we are set up at a very young age to be disconnected which translates into be unloving to ourselves. There are many restrictions, rules and ways that we are taught to be separate from the deeper parts of self.  It takes a lifetime to undo the constraints that were placed upon each of us. When you learn to release those restrictions you will then have the ability to move in whatever direction is calling you.


YOUR Choice