
“It is not the answer that enlightens but the question.” ~Eugene Ionesco

I am not sure why but all of a sudden I started having this feeling that there was nothing more to write about. That thought alone disturbed me. Then I saw the above quote and realized, “There are always more questions to be asked!” I can’t imagine a day in my life that won’t be filled with curiosity and wonder about something that I experienced during the day. Which in turn creates questions to be asked of myself or possibly Google!

Also, I chose this picture taken a few year ago in Colorado because it has the depth and perspective of expansion. Looking through the steps into that expansive sky I feel endless movement and a sense of boundlessness.

This thought about running out of words came to me after not writing the way I usually do. However, I have been reading a lot. And the reading that I have been doing, aside from my mystery novels, which by the way I read a minimum of one but sometimes two a week, has been social media. Big mistake! Not my novels ~ the social media part!

I got sucked in and swallowed up by the insecurity and indecision about myself. WOW! What a shit show! I saw it happening and I just couldn’t stop the momentum of being pulled down the rabbit hole of thought by reading everyone else’s “It’s a wonderful life on social media” stories. Yes, let’s all smile or laugh or feel empathy for me… not really. Let’s all smile or laugh and feel into if that has ever happened to you? Have you ever felt inadequate while reading about all the things others are sharing on social media or for that matter what people are just sharing in general?

I posed questions to myself. What have I been feeling? Are you feeling jealous? My tendencies don’t usually go towards jealousy so I remained curious about those questions that were rising within me and since this is how I spend a lot of my time: reflecting and being curious about my thoughts. The deeper I reflected the more I realized Nothing happened TO me! There is nothing going on except my judgment of myself that something “should” be going on.

The deeper I got into this thought the more I realized that I have been thinking about how happy I am. Actually, how happy my life has been for the past few years. As I “heard myself” I realized that there’s something “set up” inside of me or possibly a lot of us that says ~ “If you are not doing something or being active or worrying then there must be something wrong.” We are guided to look into “what could be wrong” as opposed to ” I feel wonderful and I am going to ride this wave of beauty and joy and ease for as long as it is here!”

Now that is just a better thought! We are programmed to do the opposite. We are programed to worry, complain, be complacent, be in struggle. I know how we can go into fight, flight or freeze mode and I am also here to say… Let’s stop this behavior! Easier said than done.. I know!

We must be devoted to Self Inquiry ~ Self examination ~ Self discovery ~ OUR INTERNAL WORLD!

I say MUST because it is the only action worth anything as far as I am concerned. A day without self examination is a day falling into the abyss of programmed or habitual thinking and living. For me being in self examination means that I am being completely connected to my body. Checking in to see how I am feeling in this body that carries me around. Checking to see how my physical body is in connection with my emotions. And how my emotions are translating themselves to my physical being.

Does this make sense to you?

I am talking about being present with yourself. Being in contact with those parts of yourself that are giving you signals in every moment to help you understand and connect within yourself.

Good time to try being in connection with your internal processes. Well, for me any time is a good time to say YES to me.

Can you unequivocally say YES to YOU today.

We all have to start somewhere. Let today be that day!

Do you desire to have an in depth understanding of how to connect to your internal world? Contact me for a free 15 minute intro consultation.