
Picture: Norman Levy Park and Preserve, Merrick, NY ~ Human Sundial

Not the writing bug..which I am happy to say has taken me over lately and I am thrilled…

Not the political bug… which I am not so happy to say, I have been dipping into lately! 

An actual bug!  The bug was bigger than this ( . ) but smaller than this ( o ). This is NOT an exaggeration of how small this bug was. I have never seen anything like this dot of a bug. It was black and I was happy that I had on my reading glasses otherwise I probably wouldn’t have been able to identify it as a bug.

My body’s reflexes went into motion! I felt something that registered as a bite, my brain acted and had my right hand hit my left arm. BAM! I looked at my right palm and there was this speck of a bug. I was incredulous because this didn’t seem real. Not because it was a bug but I immediately started processing how something so small could send a reactionary response to my brain to have it register as a bite. Don’t you find this amazing? I do!

I was in a restaurant comfortably sitting at an outdoor table reading a book and then this happened. I stopped everything and starting pondering this. It’s not so much that an insect bit me. It was the size of the insect and the feeling response that occurred in my body.

Our body’s are miracles. So I said to myself “if my body can register something as small as this bug then I know for sure it is registering infinite imbalances inside of me every second of every day of my beautiful life. Think about that! Our bodies are the most advanced healing machines existing. Our bodies are so sensitive that in every moment they are registering EVERYTHING! Do you get this! Does this mean something to you?

Well, what it means to me is that we can self heal and self generate in any moment of every day that we are breathing!

I am not a scientist and I barely studied biology but I know this to be true ~ everything that happens inside my body is curable and I believe that we are able to reframe, rebalance and regenerate anything at any given moment. All this from a bug bite? NOT really! I have believed and know this to be true for most of my adult life. The bug bite just stirred these thoughts inside of me to be written and shared.

What is illness? it is an energetic and emotional imbalance. What is a bug bite? It is an imbalance of the system of my skin (the largest organ of our bodies).  Feeling comfortable in one moment and discomfort in another moment. This is VERY SIMPLISTIC AND PROBABLY NOT SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE. But this is the way I approach my body and my well-being and make sense of how imbalances occur and how I am aware of them when they happen. All of this can be realized as long as we are in connection and attuned to our bodies ~ all the time.  We can move through the day without really being in contact with how our bodies are moving and responding to our environment. Most times the way we are in contact with our bodies is when they ache, hurt or sending a signal of discord or discomfort. What about all the other times?

If a bug that small can send an impulse that big to my brain and then my brain sends out all sorts of signals to the rest of my body to protect it then what do you think is going on inside each of us when something bigger than a small bug bite occurs?

Just some Sunday evening ponderings* to reflect on

*Ponderings may or may not be a word but I like making up words.