
Do you want more arousal, laughter, adventure, fun, communication, orgasms in your life? Read on….

I am doing an experiment —–

Wondering how many of you would have looked at this blog post if the title was:

“How to be more connected to your Emotional Body?”

I laugh as I write this. Not a bitter or disillusioned laugh but a laugh of what I see and feel as learning to accept what is. Knowing what will probably “sell and attract”  people to open a particular email because you are receiving hundreds of emails, texts, tweets, instagrams, etc during your day.

I know that people (myself included) want to have great sex, loving relationships, delicious food and fun with family and friends. However, to have all those things you have to be willing, focused and have a deep desire to know yourself first. I do believe that all of those things are possible when you have a focused intention towards them.

Great Sex just doesn’t appear. Well, let me correct that statement. Great Sex actually happens a lot when we first meet someone. There are all those raging hormones and fantasies and desires overflowing out of our orifices, pores and cells during those first encounters. And it is delightful and FUN! And that lasts for about a NY minute or a minute and a half.

Great Sex, great food, great relationships start with how you FEEL about yourself. Yes, you can have the idea or sensation of “this is just great.” But for anything to last you have to be willing to commit to yourself and try to delve deeper into what does “great or wonderful” actually mean to you. Then you can go further and ask yourself  “what makes something feel the way I am experiencing it?”

To have a bikini clad woman or a man with great abs or biceps or some tropical picture is wonderful, sensuous and inviting. But to last longer than that second it took for you to click on the link out of curiosity is a whole different story. You have to be more invested in yourself and your desires and the deeper and sometimes darker places in the recesses of your being to know what is churning inside of you other than the initial stimulation of the picture.

Questions to ask yourself–

What makes you desire something in the first place?

What are you wanting and longing for?

How can those needs, longings and desires be fulfilled in you? And by you? And then how do you draw in those people, places and things to help increase the excitement of the things that you have created.

This is knowing and learning about your emotional body. Does this make sense to you? Do you understand the correlation between your emotional body and your thoughts, desires, ideas? Everything happens when we start to break down the deeper parts of ourselves and learn what makes each of us individually thrive. That’s when you will understand and connect with your deeper knowing. This is what I call knowing your Emotional Body!

Our emotions are who we are!  Finely tuned emotions are the cornerstone of our existence!

This is not about being driven by untamed or raging emotions. I am talking about being in direct connection to your body and knowing in each moment what your bodily sensations are signaling and directing your to do, be or say.

It is a thrilling, enlivening and a very much connected way to be directed to a daily life of satisfying adventures!

Now let’s fantasize together about tropical beaches, scantily clothed women and/or men, ski slopes or whatever it is that turns you on. Dream it, revel in it, allow for the fun of those thoughts and then go deeply into how you feel around these visuals.  Give yourself permission to completely express those feeling through your words, whether to yourself or others, through writing or dancing or walking. Allow your body to move and fully participate while bringing your thoughts into communion with your body expression and bodily sensations.

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