
Happy Autumn Equinox! It’s the time in the earth’s annual cycle around the sun in which day and night are of equal length. 

Finding Balance!

“It is beautiful to be alone, it is also beautiful to be in love, to be with people. And they are complementary, not contradictory.” ~OSHO

Is Love a Contradiction?

Is Love forever?


~Love everyone

~’Till death do us part

~Love the one you’re with

~Love is the answer

As you can see this post is about Love. Is there anything else?

“Love is Authentic only when it gives Freedom.” ~OSHO

What does that mean? It gives freedom? Freedom to choose in all things. Freedom to decide for yourself what is best for you without restraint? Love is not just something we feel. Love is something we do and give and receive. To give to someone in an attempt to be connected is a path of love. To listen to someone unconditionally is a path of love.

I heard a statement many years ago and it struck me then and has always stuck with me “We are so free that we can choose bondage!”  I can still recall how my body contracted the very first time I heard that. I thought it was absurd. I felt scared and interested all at once. I felt confused and curious. I wanted to delve deeper into that sentence. Explore my bodily responses and sensations to try to find the meaning in that for myself. My intention was to explore my own resistance to the word bondage.  I could choose bondage and be free? It made no sense to me. Because for me in that moment bondage was the ultimate letting go, giving in, giving up~ it did not denote freedom in any way.  It is the absolute release of all perceived control. The image that first rose for me was sexual or being enslaved.

I wanted to look at love, bondage, letting go and slavery. If I am in the fullness of my love then I am not restrained. If I am in the center of my truth than there are no shackles. if I am in the core of my expression than there is no restriction. Slavery is done to a person in the basic sense of the word and act. Or there can be a self-imposed form of slavery through one’s own belief system and patterns, which ultimately leads to resentment and more restraint.  Sexual bondage is done with consent and exploration between the participating adults. A decision to let go can be a shared experience or a singular decision.

What is love?

Love is Music~

Love is Dance~

Love is Bondage~

Love is the night sky or a baby’s cry~

Love is a sunset and a set in a tennis match~

Love is silly and serious~

Loving is LIFE ~ LIFE is Loving!

I think we try to define something that is undefinable. Love as a feeling, Love as a person, Love as a place? They are all LOVE. EVERYTHING is a part of the intangible forces that make up our experience of Love.  

Your way of loving is your unique gift in your life. It is LIFE itself! 

“The heart surrenders everything to the moment. The mind judges and holds back.” ~Ram Das